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Year 2 studied lots of curious topics!

Year 2 studied lots of curious topics!
Pre-Prep PrePrep

The curious minds of Year 2 have been very busy this week.

We have looked at the importance of money and considered whether it can really make you happy. This led us to think about the many different creatures in the world. Do they all matter? We read the story of Noah’s ark and wondered why insects are not mentioned in the story. How did they survive the flood?

We also looked at ‘Journey’ by Aaron Beker, this beautiful book has no words to tell the story. We all had a wonderful discussion about the many different journeys that were occurring in the story. Our creative juices were flowing so we all wrote an extended story about a journey adventure taking our characters on many twists and turns. Our curious minds have had a fabulous week!

Mrs Davison and Miss Coker-Harris

Flickr album: Festival of Curiosity - Year 2, Cornflake Cakes | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Year 2 studied lots of curious topics!