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Multisensory Learning In LSU

Multisensory Learning In LSU
Prep Academic

The children in the Learning Support Unit have been revising Maths concepts such as radius, diameter,

and circumference. 

We have been learning to spell ‘circumference’ and this was a fun way to remember it at the end of term.  They also expand their vocabulary and this activity demonstrated what ‘viscosity’ is.  It is the viscosity of the liquid which allows the surface tension to build bubbles.  Multi-sensory learning is a particularly useful approach for dyslexic students, helping them to retain the information by transferring information from their short-term to their long-term memory.  In the LSU we make use of sand trays, shaving foam, and water writing as well as glass pens on door panes and marker pens on whiteboards.  At home try using bath crayons to revise spellings or for creating mind maps for story planning.  These fun activities help turn what might initially feel like hard work into a lesson well learnt.

Mrs Gripper

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Multisensory Learning In LSU