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A day of sunshine, happy hearts and sword drill at Corfe Castle

A day of sunshine, happy hearts and sword drill at Corfe Castle

It was with happy hearts that the boarders of Hazlegrove awoke to a gloriously blue sky and the promise of a wonderful day in the sunshine.

Much was happening for our boarders this weekend. Many were participating in cricket matches, birthday parties and a Biathle at Leweston School. However, for the rest of us, a day of exploration was in store amidst the ruins of Corfe Castle in Dorset. If one had an archetypal image in one’s head of a castle, then Corfe pretty much ticks all the boxes. A steep motte, a moat around the outside, a forbidding gatehouse and drawbridge, a towering keep overlooking the town and ruined ramparts and firing steps scattered along the bailey.

We arrived to be greeted by “Mad John” an English Civil War Royalist Musketeer who was finishing up his musket drill with a few members of the public before turning his attention to us. Sword drill was the order of the day, as we were whipped into shape using the appropriate stance with some terrifying looking broom handle style swords. Up next was a bit of luncheon, consuming homemade bespoke sandwiches carefully crafted by each child before we left school. Afterwards we climbed and attacked the castle along with a bit of hide and seek and snail racing!!

The day was rounded off with roley poley’s down the grass embankment and a quiz to win some extra chocolate on the coolest facts that they had found out! Back at school we were treated to a really special chapel about the importance of humility delivered by Mr Farquhar.

Well done all, a thoroughly enjoyable day in the sunshine!
Mr Robertson.

Click here to see the photographs in our Flickr album


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A day of sunshine, happy hearts and sword drill at Corfe Castle