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Boarders enjoy a thrilling trip to Splashdown

Boarders enjoy a thrilling trip to Splashdown

The boarders had a rare opportunity to enjoy their Saturday afternoon at home because there weren't any matches on. They had a plethora of choices on offer. We had the annual Hazlegrove Golf Open where many budding young golfers pitted their wits against each other, seeing who could conquer the tricky Hazlegrove course. Who needs Hazeltine when you have Hazlegrove! With the talent on show the future looks bright for the European team to retain the Ryder Cup in years to come.

Other activities included swimming, den building and manhunt in the woods, Magic Ball in the sports hall, a tough exercise workout in the theatre, followed by dance and karaoke. Of course there was also the chance to ride bikes, ripstick, chat to friends or simply find a quiet corner to finish that exciting novel from the library.

Supper never disappoints and we were treated to a delicious homemade Chinese meal;Joe and his team surpassed all our expectations. After a scrumptious meal it was up into  our boarding houses for our Saturday night entertainment and of course some tuck. 

Sunday, amidst sunshine and showers, we headed off to Splashdown where the children spent two thrilling hours on the various slides. Lots of laughter was had on the Dragon's Lair and the Zambezi Drop. Perhaps the most exciting slide of all was Infinity which was new and wasn't for the faint-hearted as it involved a vertical drop. All in all lots of slipping and sliding fun was had by all. To top it off the delicious aroma of Henry's roast dinner greeted us as we entered the dining room for supper.  Just another super weekend for Hazlegrove boarders to lead us up to half term! 

There are just a few pictures this weekend - for obvious reasons, there are no cameras allowed at Splashdown!


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Boarders enjoy a thrilling trip to Splashdown