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children walking

Year 3 visit Montacute House

Year 3 visit Montacute House
Academic Trips

Year 3 had an amazing day exploring Montacute House and learning more about the Tudors.

On arrival we were met by our fantastic guides who transported us back in time to the Tudor period. We learnt about what life would have been like in this house, which was built by Lord Edward Phelips over 400 years ago. When the tour concluded, we broke up into groups and undertook different activities. Some dressed in traditional Tudor clothes, while others either used quill pens to practice writing or make sweet smelling spice bags. Our trip finished on a real high as we explored the grounds and draw different parts of the house. An excellent day was had by all!

Some comments from the children...

  • “Making the spice bags was so much fun. We mashed up lots of ingredients and it smelled lovely!" Lennox
  • “Our tour guide was so amazing we learnt so much about Tudor life! Writing with a quill was also great as it was hard to do” May


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Year 3 visit Montacute House