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Boarders' in weekend and talent show

Boarders' in weekend and talent show

The annual Hazlegrove Boarders’ Talent Show is always a perfect way to start the Spring Term. This year we saw over 20 entries brave the Sunday morning auditions and battle their way to the final. It is encouraging to see so many different acts and children of all ages ‘give it a go’ and show case their talents and passions.

After an inspiring chapel by Mr Davis, the boarders were entertained with a wide variety of activities. Kayaking, silhouette puppetry, cooking, scavenger hunt, archery, go-karts, five aside football, hockey, DT, manhunt, Cadbury Hill and creative crafts kept everyone busy. The auditions were judged by Mr Floyd and Mrs Fawbert who claimed they spent a most pleasurable and entertaining morning whittling the contestants down. Some acts were asked to sharpen up and return for a second chance before proceeding into the final. Some, sadly were invited to re-apply next year in the kindest possible way!

At 4.30pm, the Talent Show commenced. Compered by Oliver Barber and Freddy Floyd, the judges were introduced (this year Mr and Mrs Johnson and Mrs Pearce) and the show begun. It was an electric 45 minutes of diversity, humour and talent. In the end, Charlief was crowned this year’s champion with an exquisite piece on the piano, followed by Step Up (Charlie Heardman, Bertie Waymouth and William van der Walt) and in third place, the Year 5 girls.

The weekend was concluded with a mass game of Dover Patrol. Reinforcements have arrived on a staffing front but the hordes of children taking part, proved too challenging to identify them all. A muddy and exhausted bunch of children finally retired upstairs to their beds!

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Boarders' in weekend and talent show