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Gargoyles, Gliders and Galavanting for the boarders

Gargoyles, Gliders and Galavanting for the boarders

Sunday started with a delicious cooked breakfast, a thought provoking and interactive Chapel on the power of prayer given by Mr Forbes "What prayer is and how to pray?" and letter writing.  The children were then split into three groups which rotated throughout the morning. Miss Hudson and Miss New began the gargoyle project with a session on design; Mr Robertson started his power-glider production using recycled cardboard and elastic bands; Mrs Robertson and Mr. Keddie ran off some steam with the children playing football-rounders on the Moore.

After a spectacular Sunday roast (and some time for resting and reading) the fun really began! Gliders were refined and tested and refined again, gargoyles were brought to life with clay - absolutely hilarious - and Mr Keddie ran a session of Danish longball in the Sports' Hall for those wanting to burn off more energy.

It was then time for the "Big Judging", starting with the gargoyles.  We all gathered in the art room and votes were taken. The unanimous winners were Milly H in the upper school, Gabriella W in the middle school and Issy M in the lower school. Huge congratulations to the deserved winners but well done to everyone for such spectacular (if not very beautiful) efforts! Then it was off to the sports hall for the "glide off". The teams took it in turns to launch their creations off the balcony with hugely varying degrees of success to the wild amusement of the spectators. The winners were:
Longest Flight: "The Air Slicer" ably constructed by Seamus C and team,
Most beautiful: Bella A, Maria A and Bea B,
Best tricks: Toby S and team,
And the overall winners were Charlief and team.

There was still time for a big swim and soem free play before supper. Then everyone returned to their houses to 'gear up' for Dover patrol. An exciting end to a busy and productive day.

Click on the image to view the photos in Flickr

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Gargoyles, Gliders and Galavanting for the boarders